1:1 PRIVATE mentorship
with Leila Dylla

HI friends,
welcome Home.
Over the past 12 years It has become beamingly clear to me that our connection to the divine is the single most important aspect of our empowerment journey.
Our souls naturally long for sacred union, and we often find ourselves searching endlessly for something to satisfy the void within us that only god can complete.
Our essential self is of the same origin as the cosmos, and remembering this truth returns us home to our power, greatness, and purpose.
These one-on-one containers are designed for anyone who wants to step fully into their sacred PURPOSE, awaken their HEART, and ignite their personal POWER. I believe that God calls all of us by name, and that when we answer this call we connect back to our unique & Holy thread we are meant to follow home.
The more we know LOVE, from within us, the more we can TRUST life. And, the more we trust life, the more we can co-create the magic that will change the world.
I am so passionate about guiding others back to the spiritual home within them. This courageous journey lands us in a place of inner authority, unshakable safety, and a profound spiritual depth.
Every moment of our lives can be a conscious co-creation with the Divine.
I am here to teach you how to WAKE UP to the ways that God is asking you to Rise, and how to courageously trust the guidance you hear, one BOLD step at a time.
During our work together, we will...
Reestablish a trusting relationship with yourself, others, and God.
Awaken our Hearts deepest desires,
Align with your Souls mission,
Attune your work to Truth and Fluidity.
Working together in these containers gives you the tools, resources, insights, TRUST, and channel to pivot your life to one of meaning, purpose, and powerful influence. Through the lens of relationship, we will lean on the magic of co-creation and practice creating and stepping into the openings that are truly meant for you.

"May the light of your soul guide you; May the light of your soul bless the work you do with the secret love and warmth of your heart; May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul; May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you and to those who see and receive your work; May your work never weary you; May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement; May you be present in what you do. May you never become lost in the bland absences; May the day never burden; May dawn find you awake and alert, approaching your new day with dreams, possibilities and promises; May evening find you gracious and fulfilled; May you go into the night blessed, sheltered and protected; May your soul calm, console and renew you."
-John o'donohue
Healing Religious Trauma and deconstructing the religious dogma that keeps us from approaching God
Invoking The Power of Prayer
Development Trauma and Attachment Healing
Prema Breathwork and Somatic Awakening
Feminine Embodiment & Devotion
Conscious Relationships & Intimacy
Awakening of Your Souls Purpose
Soul-led Business Creation
Retreat creation and Group facilitation
Brand & Influence Envisioning
Confident and Influential Communication
Community building
Conscious Leadership
Authentic Social Media Presence & Expression
Online Course building and Facilitation

I charge $300 an hour for my coaching services. We will begin with a clarity call to make sure that we have a direction for our work. Our sessions will take place via Zoom, or over the phone, depending on the nature of the call, and you will have the option to record if you desire. You are responsible for booking your calls and there will be an option to add extra texting/voice-note support during the interim.
Containers are custom created and typically range from 3-9 months in time commitment.
1:1 coaching is open to anyone, not just women.

I can't fit into one paragraph or even one page the ways that Leila has helped me. She has served as my coach and mentor, my hype woman, my confidant, and my friend. She approaches the world and her work with a rare sincerity. Her words are humbling; her practices are inspiring; and her laugh is infectious. My relationship to my self and my surroundings has deepened in such a beautiful way since we began working together. I am grateful every day to have this magnificent woman in my corner!
— Katie

“Leila has a depth and wisdom beyond her years. She is a bright light and rising star in the realm of personal growth and empowerment. Before becoming a private coaching client, I followed Leila’s work on social media. As a 50th birthday present to myself, I signed up to attend a retreat she was leading in Costa Rica for the 2020 New Year. That experience was life altering, the best gift I have ever received, and led to my desire to want to work one on one with Leila. Leila’s coaching has been enormously helpful in my both personal and professional lives. I credit her with helping me become a more centered, empowered, and integrated person and business leader. Everyone needs a Leila in their corner. I am so lucky to have found mine.”
— Mahtab

“Leila has been an incredible guide for me the last 6 months and honestly don't know where I'd be without her. She has so much wisdom to share and such an honest, funny way of speaking... do your soul a favor.
— Alex